Nimrod Resources is an unlisted, public mineral exploration company targeting world-class Copper and Gold deposits within the Lachlan Fold Belt of New South Wales

Our Projects

Nimrod’s flagship project is the Byrock Copper-Gold Project. The project covers 1,932sq km and is located 50km north of the prominent Cobar Mining District in New South Wales – Australia’s second most productive copper mining state.

The project is considered prospective for copper, gold and base metals and is situated on the under-explored northern extension of the major copper-gold trends that host the Cadia, CSA, Northparkes, and Tritton mines — all of which are among the top ten copper-producing mines in Australia.

In addition, Nimrod Resources holds the North Bourke Project. The project covers 720 sq km and is located 55km north of Bourke, NSW within the Thomson Orogen, in a region prospective for gold and base metals.



Nimrod Resources is pleased to announce that it hasentered into a partnership with ASX Listed exploration company Copper Search Limited (ASX: CUS) to accelerate exploration on the Byrock Project in the Lachlan Fold Belt.

The Nimrod Team

Nimrod Resources' leadership team boasts a wealth of experience across diverse industries, including logistics, corporate management, financial markets, and early-stage mineral exploration.


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