Nimrod’s flagship project is the Byrock Copper-Gold Project. The project covers 1,932 sq km and is located 50km north of the prominent Cobar Mining District in New South Wales – Australia’s second most productive copper mining state.
The project is considered prospective for copper, gold and base metals and is situated on the under-explored northern extension of the major copper-gold trends that host the Cadia, CSA, Northparkes, and Tritton mines — all of which are among the top ten copper-producing mines in Australia.
In addition, Nimrod Resources holds the North Bourke Project. The project covers 720 sq km and is located 55km north of Bourke, NSW within the Thomson Orogen, in a region prospective for gold and base metals.
The Byrock Project
The Byrock Project is prospective for Porphyry Cu-Au, Orogenic/Shear-hosted Au, and Cobar-style and Tritton-style polymetallic mineralisation.
The North Bourke Project
North Bourke Project area is prospective for Intrusion Related / Orogenic Au and Sediment-hosted base metal mineralisation.
Nimrod Resources is pleased to announce that it has entered into a partnership with ASX Listed exploration company Copper Search Limited to accelerate exploration at the Byrock Project in the Lachlan Fold Belt.
Nimrod’s Projects are positioned near the northern Lachlan Orogen and southern Thomson Orogen boundary, in New South Wales.
Northern Lachlan Orogen
The flagship Byrock Project is located in the northern extension of the highly endowed Late Ordovician to Early Carboniferous, Lachlan Orogen.
Nimrod has recognised the significance of equivalent Early Silurian Macquarie Arc Event aged intrusions within the Byrock Project. Nimrod interprets the T47 porphyry prospect intrusion to be positioned within the northern extension of the Junee-Narrromine Belt, which is host to major active multi-million-ounce gold mines, including Northparkes (Cu-Au porphyry) & Cowal (epithermal Au).
Orogenic / Shear-hosted gold potential is also being investigated on the Byrock Project, hosted in Mt Dijoe Volcanics Member and the Narrama Formation of the Ordovician Girilambone Group. To date, Nimrod has defined a 2km x 5km soil gold geochemical trend associated with a major northwest trending shear zone, defined in a 2024 drone magnetics survey.
Late Silurian to Devonian Cobar Superbasin sediments are preserved within the Byrock Project. The Cobar Superbasin is host to major polymetallic ore deposits (CSA, Peak and Elura / Endeavor) and overlies Ordovician turbidite sequences including the Girilambone Group, also host to polymetallic ore deposits (Tritton). Previous explorers (DevEx, 2020) encountered structurally controlled semi-massive sulphides in the project area at the Wilga Downs Prospect (currently held by Thomson Resources). This demonstrated proof of concept and has encouraged Nimrod to progress systematic exploration to define magnetic anomalies and structures, with equivalent geophysical signatures to Cobar-style and Tritton-style polymetallic deposits.
Location and regional tenement map
Neighbours, operating mines, geochronology dates (magmatic U/Pb) of mineralisation events of significant deposits in the region – background image solid geology. The new interpretation is that the Macquarie Arc extends under cover to the northwest of the conventional North-South corridor across to the Byrock Project.
Southern Thomson Orogen
The North Bourke Project straddles the southern margin of the Cambrian to Devonian Thomson Orogen, a region that has received extremely limited systematic modern exploration, primarily due to the presence of thick Jurassic to Cretaceous Eromanga Basin cover. Nimrod has utilised open-source government data, including Airborne EM, to acquire the shallowest (<100m) portions of the southern Thomson Orogen. This includes a 30km x 3km ridge of greenschist facies basement, considered prospective for orogenic gold, which Nimrod hold in full.
Nimrod’s North Bourke Project ground holding also includes a key region along the northern margin of the Devonian Paka Tank Trough, which is equivalent in age to the Cobar Superbasin. Historical drilling intersected sphalerite stringer veins in the Paka Tank Trough, demonstrating the potential for the formation of base metal deposits. Nimrod has carefully reviewed a recent NSW government release of Falcon Airborne Gravity Gradiometry (AGG) data to define potential dense, massive sulphide bodies along the margin of the Paka Tank Trough.
T47 is a porphyry Cu-Au prospect within the Byrock Project, which has a Macquarie Arc equivalent age date from a single drill hole (78KD2), which intersected a Cu fertile intrusion. Drilling intersected disseminated pyrite, quartz-pyrite veins and minor disseminated chalcopyrite. Nimrod considers this diamond drill hole (CSA, 1978) a near miss. The cover depth above the T47 porphyry prospect is only 100m, which is conducive to cost-effective exploration.
A fine fraction soils sampling grid completed in 2024 has already defined copper and gold anomalies above the T47 magnetic anomaly.
Next Steps
An IP survey is required before final drill hole design, ahead of drill testing.
The Rocky Ned Goldfield is an Orogenic/Shear-hosted gold target within the Byrock Project. It includes historical gold workings, with limited systematic modern exploration in a region of shallow cover (<10m) along strike.
A 2km x 5km gold trend was defined during the 2024 fine fraction soil sampling campaign, which coincides with a main shear zone defined with 2024 drone magnetics.
Next Steps
Trenching is considered an ideal technique for further definition of gold mineralisation, in this region of shallow cover, followed by tightly targeted drilling.
CS03 is a Cobar-style Polymetallic target within the Byrock Project.
The target is a relatively shallow (<230m), discrete magnetic anomaly consistent with Cobar-style deposits, hosted in Cobar Supergroup sediments and structurally bound by a major east-west fault. CS03 is located 4km south-east of the Cobar-style polymetallic Wilga Downs Prospect held by Thomson Resources, who have successfully intersected structurally controlled semi-massive polymetallic sulphides.
Next Steps
Nimrod considers electrical geophysical techniques the next step to progressing this target to drill-ready status.
A: PO Box 682 Maroochydore,
Queensland, Australia, 4558
© Nimrod Resources Ltd 2025